
Leh, a paradise for adventure enthusiasts, offers thrilling experiences like trekking, river rafting, and biking amidst breathtaking Himalayan landscapes.

Accessibility -

: Manali to Leh Highway (NH3) is one of the most popular road routes to reach Leh. It usually opens from late May to early October when the snow has melted and the roads are passable. Srinagar to Leh Highway (NH1D) route connects Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir to Leh. It is a longer route compared to the Manali-Leh Highway but offers stunning views of the Kashmir Valley and Zoji La pass. There are other routes as well, like the one from Nubra Valley via Khardung La (one of the highest motorable passes in the world) and from the south via Himachal Pradesh and Kishtwar.
Bus: During the tourist season, buses from Srinagar and Manali to Leh run on both public and private routes. Although these buses are an affordable choice, the numerous stops along the route might make them time-consuming.
Motorcycle: Riding a motorcycle to Leh has gained popularity among adventure enthusiasts. It offers a more immersive experience as you traverse challenging terrain and high mountain passes.
: Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport (Leh Airport) is the fastest and most convenient way to reach Leh is by air. Leh Airport is well-connected to major Indian cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Srinagar, and Jammu.