Adventure Tourism

India has a significant geographical advantage owing to its rich natural & eco-tourism resources:

  • 70 percent of the Himalayas
  • 7,000 Km of coastline
  • Among one of the three countries in the world with both hot and cold deserts.
  • Ranks 10th in total area under forest cover.
  • Ranks 6th in terms of number of recognized UNESCO Natural Heritage sites.

Adventure tourism is a type of niche tourism where exploration or travel involves some degree of risk (real or perceived) and may require special skills, and physical effort. Adventure tourism can be any tourism activity that includes physical activity, cultural exchange, and connection with nature. Adventure tourism experiences are generally divided into two types hard adventure and soft adventure.

Hard Adventure Activities

Adventure tourism activities that involve a high level of risk and require a greater level of expertise, skills, training and experience. Tourists taking hard adventure activities, need to have the knowledge of hard adventure activity, a high level of expertise, physical & mental fitness, and expert guidance. High altitude mountaineering, river rafting, scuba diving, hang gliding, skydiving comes etc. are hard adventure activities.

Soft Adventure Activities

Adventure tourism activities involve moderate levels of risk and the tourists involved in these activities do not require particular skills or experience. Most tourists take soft adventure activities for recreation and fun as it involves a lesser level of risk. Hiking, camping, biking come under soft adventure activities.