Strategic Pillars


1 State Assessment,
Ranking and Strategy


2 Skills, Capacity Building
and Certification


3Marketing and


4Strengthening Adventure Tourism
Safety Management Framework


5National & State Level Rescue
and Communication Grid


6Destination and
Product Development


7Governance and
Institutional Framework

Strategic Pillars

State assessment, ranking and strategy

To maximize the expansion of adventure tourism, effectively assess regions for their adventure potential, rank them according to merit, and develop specialized strategies for each state.

Skills, capacity building and certification

To guarantee outstanding support to visitors, develop a skilled adventure workforce through training, strengthen capacities, and create a reliable certification system.

Marketing and promotion

Create effective campaigns highlighting India's wide range of adventure activities and offerings, utilizing digital platforms and alliances to attract a worldwide audience.

Strengthening adventure tourism safety management framework

Improve standards, procedures, and emergency response systems with a focus on safety to inspire trust in adventurers.

National and state level rescue and communication grid

Establish a strong network linking national and state agencies to quickly respond to catastrophes and provide flawless cooperation in dire circumstances.

Destination and product Development

Invest in infrastructure, create new offers, and improve existing ones to enhance adventure experiences and entice thrill-seekers.

Governance and Institutional Framework

Create a robust governance structure, forge partnerships with industry stakeholders, and support the long-term expansion of adventure tourism.

State assessment, ranking and strategy
Skills, capacity building and certification
Marketing and promotion
Strengthening adventure tourism safety management framework
National and state level rescue and communication grid
Destination and product Development
Governance and Institutional Framework